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  • namigibbs

Tidy up with Mrs DM (part 5)

It is time to do some jobs in the ground floor loo storage spaces! The end of the loo has a screen with a big space behind it. It looked reasonably well organised, but I could see some potential of storing more items in the space.

Most of the items were family medicine boxes, we put everything in a few boxes and put them on the upper shelf to keep them out of the children's reach. Since this upper shelf is under the staircase, the top of the section was sloped and that was all we could fit there.

The next problem was the bottom area space, it had a generous height and it was challenging to come up with some ideas to make the most of this. On the one hand, because this space also has a good depth, you shouldn't put another shelf board as deep as the existing one, it would make it difficult to reach things. On the other hand, there were no spare trolleys or other storage items in the house.

In the end my idea was to use an extension rod, it was able to support a few light items floating in the air!


The top shelf is for medicines, out of children's reach.
The bottom (in the air) is light stuff such as sanitary products and toilet rolls.
The small trolley has some cleaning products.

The cleared space is now for reusable bags, which should not be stored away completely. This space will be accessed by Mrs DM for sure, it will remind her every now and then where to get those bags when she needs them.



- the job shown itself took just over half an hour.

- I recommended a few storage items Mr and Mrs DM could consider to make even more of the space.

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