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My Story

Simplify your housekeeping tasks to save time

Time Ninja is a busy mum of two children.


I went back to a full-time job when my baby Nina was 1 year old, I remember that I was so frustrated by myself that I couldn't juggle work and home.


As soon as I strapped Nina in the car seat, and started the engine, my work brain switched off and my house brain on.

What shall I make for supper?

Oh, I forgot to add toilet rolls on Ocado. 

Do I have enough nappies until weekends?

Is tomorrow Rubbish collection day?

Shall I run a bath today?


While I was feeding Nina, I was swallowing food down and counting down until my husband comes back on time. Sometimes we all went to bed without tidying, and we start the next day with the messy living room. The priority for the following day is to tidy up, not cook supper. 

The weekend was just for catching up on all the laundry and stacking up the food for the coming week. 

I tried a few cleaners and some solutions but I just didn't feel right about the decisions. 


I just needed more time to do things right, I just wanted to have a happy family life.


How can we keep my house tidy every day?

How can we have weekends for outings?

How can I ever have 'ME time'?


Every second counts, I started to focus on saving time in every single action I take at home.

5 minutes shorter way to cook supper, or skipping a few steps in laundry procedures to save 10 minutes every day.

With a bit of re-organisation of your house and with a bit of investment in new gadgets made it possible to keep my house tidy, and save time for our lovely family time!




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